Online Edition

15th - 19th March 2021

Bloomington - Indiana

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DIPY Workshop 2021 is supported by NIH/NIBIB (1R01EB027585) and Indiana University

Eleftherios Garyfallidis

Eleftherios Garyfallidis

Chair, DIPY Founder & Lead Developer

Associate Professor, Indiana University

Ariel Rokem

Ariel Rokem

Associate DIPY Lead, eScience Institute

Research Associate Professor, University of Washington, Seattle

Maxime Descoteaux

Maxime Descoteaux

DIPY Scientific Advisor

University of Sherbrooke, QC, CA

Jennifer A McNab

Jennifer A Mcnab

Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA

Gabriel Girard

Gabriel Girard

Research Scientist

University of Sherbrooke

Susie Yi Huang,

Susie Yi Huang,

Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA

Jaroslaw Harezlak

Jaroslaw Harezlak

DIPY Advisor on Statistics

Professor, Indiana University

Eduardo Castro

Eduardo Castro

Healthcare and Life Sciences Research

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Rafael Neto Henriques

Rafael Neto Henriques

Postdoctoral Researcher

Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, PT

Wei Tang

Wei Tang

Research Scientist

Indiana University

Hu Cheng

Hu Cheng

Psychological and Brain Sciences

Indiana University

Alonso Ramirez Manzanares

Alonso Ramirez Manzanares


Julio Villalon

Julio Villalon

Imaging Genetics Center, Institute for Neuro Imaging and Informatics, USC

Gregory R. Lee

Gregory R. Lee


Daniel Moyer

Daniel Moyer

CSAIL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA

François Rheault

François Rheault

Vanderbilt University

Etienne St-Onge

Etienne St-Onge

McGill University

Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño

Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Harvard University

Serge Koudoro

Serge Koudoro

DIPY Release Manager

Indiana University

Shreyas Fadnavis

Shreyas Fadnavis

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Harvard University

Bramsh Qamar Chandio

Bramsh Qamar Chandio

Postdoctoral Scholar

University of Southern California

Javier Guaje

Javier Guaje

PhD Student

Indiana University

Jong Sung Park

Jong Sung Park

PhD Student

Indiana University

Day 1 - Monday, March 15

  • 11:00 AM - Ask me Anything on DTI, DKI, Denoising, Preprocessing

    Bennett LandmanBennett Landman Wei TangWei Tang Javier GuajeJavier Guaje Shreyas FadnavisShreyas Fadnavis Eleftherios GaryfallidisEleftherios Garyfallidis Rafael Neto HenriquesRafael Neto Henriques Ariel RokemAriel Rokem

  • 6:00 AM - Overview & Introduction to new Interfaces

    Eleftherios GaryfallidisEleftherios Garyfallidis Javier GuajeJavier Guaje

  • 6:00 AM - Introduction to computational anatomy

    Wei TangWei Tang François RheaultFrançois Rheault

  • 6:00 AM - Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging

    Ariel RokemAriel Rokem Rafael Neto HenriquesRafael Neto Henriques

  • 6:00 AM - Denoising

    Shreyas FadnavisShreyas Fadnavis

Day 2 - Tuesday, March 16

  • 11:00 AM - Ask me anything on Reconstruction Model, Microstructure and image Registration

    Rafael Neto HenriquesRafael Neto Henriques Kenji MarshallKenji Marshall Tom Dela HaijeTom Dela Haije Leevi KerkeläLeevi Kerkelä Maxime DescoteauxMaxime Descoteaux Eleftherios GaryfallidisEleftherios Garyfallidis Erick Jorge Canales-RodríguezErick Jorge Canales-Rodríguez

  • 6:00 AM - A tour of spherical harmonics-based local reconstruction techniques in DIPY

    Maxime DescoteauxMaxime Descoteaux

  • 6:00 AM - Microstructure modeling and beyond

    Rafael Neto HenriquesRafael Neto Henriques

  • 6:00 AM - Dictionary based methods for brain microstructure estimation

    Alonso Ramirez ManzanaresAlonso Ramirez Manzanares

  • 6:00 AM - Motion Correction & Image Registration

    Serge KoudoroSerge Koudoro

Day 3 - Wednesday, March 17

  • 11:00 AM - Ask me Anything on Tractography, Deep Learning and Multi-dimmensionnal Encoding

    Jon Haitz Legarreta GorroñoJon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño Gabriel GirardGabriel Girard Bramsh Qamar ChandioBramsh Qamar Chandio Jong Sung ParkJong Sung Park Javier GuajeJavier Guaje Jennifer A McNabJennifer A McNab Shreyas FadnavisShreyas Fadnavis

  • 6:00 AM - Diffusion Tractography and Connectivity

    Etienne St-OngeEtienne St-Onge Gabriel GirardGabriel Girard

  • 6:00 AM - Multidimensional Diffusion Encodings

    Jennifer A McNabJennifer A McNab

  • 6:00 AM - Deep Learning in Medical Imaging (Intro, Segmentation, Registration)

    Shreyas FadnavisShreyas Fadnavis Bramsh Qamar ChandioBramsh Qamar Chandio Javier GuajeJavier Guaje Jong Sung ParkJong Sung Park Jon Haitz Legarreta GorroñoJon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño

Day 4 - Thursday, March 18

  • 11:00 AM - Ask me Anything on Bundles, Tractometry, Stats, Tissue

    Hu ChengHu Cheng Jaroslaw HarezlakJaroslaw Harezlak Eleftherios GaryfallidisEleftherios Garyfallidis Kurt G SchillingKurt G Schilling Julio VillalonJulio Villalon Bramsh Qamar ChandioBramsh Qamar Chandio

  • 6:00 AM - Automatic segmentation of bundles

    Eleftherios GaryfallidisEleftherios Garyfallidis

  • 6:00 AM - Tractometry

    Bramsh Qamar ChandioBramsh Qamar Chandio

  • 6:00 AM - Statistical analysis and group analysis

    Jaroslaw HarezlakJaroslaw Harezlak

  • 6:00 AM - Advances in diffusion MRI acquisition and Connectome 2.0

    Susie Yi Huang,Susie Yi Huang,

  • 6:00 AM - Tissue classification

    Hu ChengHu Cheng Julio VillalonJulio Villalon

Day 5 - Friday, March 19

  • 11:00 AM - Ask me Anything on IVIM, Data Harmonization, AFQ, Predictive Modeling

    Eduardo CastroEduardo Castro Gregory R. LeeGregory R. Lee Shreyas FadnavisShreyas Fadnavis Daniel MoyerDaniel Moyer Ariel RokemAriel Rokem

  • 6:00 AM - IVIM and Optimization

    Shreyas FadnavisShreyas Fadnavis

  • 6:00 AM - Data harmonization

    Daniel MoyerDaniel Moyer

  • 6:00 AM - Tractometry II

    Ariel RokemAriel Rokem

  • 6:00 AM - GPU Acceleration

    Gregory R. LeeGregory R. Lee

  • 6:00 AM - Clinical Insights from Brain Imaging using Predictive Modeling: Huntington’s Disease as a Case Study

    Eduardo CastroEduardo Castro

The workshop will include a data accelerator where you will be able to analyze your own data together with the DIPY developers. A Scientific Q/A sessions will be available everyday. More information provied after registration. The workshop is open to academic, clinical and industrial attendees from all fields of neuroscience and neuroengineering.

Registration for DIPY WORKSHOP 2021 is closed.


DIPY Workshop is free

Amazing Community Help : Yes

Access to all materials : Yes

Duration : 5 Days


DIPY Bronze Sponsoring

Sponsor DIPY event

Include : Free package

Support : 2 weeks


DIPY SILVER Sponsoring

Sponsor DIPY event

Include : Free package

Support : 1 month


DIPY Gold Sponsoring

Sponsor DIPY event

Include : Free package

Support : 3 months


* Workshop Exclusive Support, Please contact us for more information

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